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6 Exercises for the First 6 Weeks Postpartum

Jennifer Penn, DPT

The early #postpartum period is extremely difficult. Caring for a newborn full time while you are in the early healing stages from just giving birth (whether vaginal or major abdominal surgery (C-section)).

You may have been told by your doctor:

· no lifting anything heavier than your baby

· no driving (for the first few days or weeks)

· no exercise

· no sex

No exercise doesn’t mean that you can’t move! You walk to go to the bathroom and are frequently pacing back and forth to soothe your baby. You squat to sit down in a chair to eat or to go to the bathroom. You are “exercising” without even realizing it.

Although vigorous exercise and weight training should be avoided in the initial weeks of postpartum recovery, there are plenty of exercises you can do during this time to improve the way you feel, promote the natural healing process of your body, and better prepare your body for when it is time to get back into an exercise regimen.

Create Your Core has found these 6 exercises to be the most beneficial for moms to perform in those first few weeks after birth.

360 Breathing

Wall Angles (On the Floor)

Thoracic Rotation


Pelvic floor Contraction

Sit To Stand

This information is the opinion and guidance from Create Your Core and is not intended as medical advice. It is imperative you check with your doctor to make sure that any and all exercise programs in which you participate are appropriate for you. Contact Create Your Core to help you reconnect your core during your postpartum recovery.



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